The Hot list

No the hot list isn’t the top ten sexiest bus drivers in LA.  Hot list is the message that comes up when someone swipes a stolen pass across the farebox.  What I’m supposed to do when that happens beats the hell out of me.  I mean technically it’s theft but again let me remind my company…IM NOT A COP…   so I follow bus driver 101… the path of least resistant.    sometimes that works other times it doesn’t.

I was so sad to see that message come up today…  as my eyes followed the hand with the pass back to the person it turned out to be this elderly lady…  she couldn’t figure out why it worked yesterday and not today….  well duh it obviously had been reported stolen.  I looked at the picture and looked at her… they looked nothing alike. I called her by her name on the pass  Magdalena and she looked as if I was speaking a forgiven language…  I then told her ” Ma’am this pass has been reported stolen”  Oh she said as she pulled out another pass…. and it beeped the go ahead beep….  as she held it out I glanced at that pass and said “Thank you Harvey”  because that was the name on that pass….

It’s no wonder I’m so pragmatic, jaded and cynical if you can’t trust a little old nana who can you trust…..

2 responses to “The Hot list”

  1. Loved this story. You’re right. If you can’t trust a sweet little ole lady who can you trust. Very sad.

  2. I’ve read some of your post and I have to say this one is great although not as funny as the one where you mentioned fights breaking out on your route. I remember last semester when I was waiting in line at school to pay for my classes and an old Chinese man was asking everyone in life if they would buy him a bus pass. Since we get them for $20. It wasn’t a big deal for me so I agreed, now I see how it effect you guys. Sorry!

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